I’m just going to come out and say it, I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing.

Right now I don’t even know if I’ll graduate, let alone when or where from. I don’t know where I’ll be living a month from now, or what I’ll be doing. I’ve always been such an organised, future thinking person with plan upon back up plan, and yet somehow here I am, getting less than wonderful grades on a degree programme I do not want to do anymore, waiting to find out if I’ll be accepted elsewhere, and in a complete muddle with rent contracts. Yay.

Maybe you’ve just graduated and don’t know what your next move will be. Maybe you’re continuing with your degree or job and know exactly what the next move is, but for some reason the apprehension over the future just won’t let go. Ever stopped to think ahead a month or two and found your stomach knotted with unease? Me too, friend, me too.

I’m surrounded by friends with excellent grades, impressive work experience and exciting adventures awaiting them in September.

So far adulthood feels like a race where I am the only one that didn’t hear the starting pistol fire, the first one to trip up and stumble, the furthest from the finish line.

In all the fear of the unknowns, all the worry of the in-the-middle, I know a God that invites me to cast all my anxieties onto Him, because he cares for me (1 Peter 5:7), a God that promises to go with me wherever I am (Joshua 1:9), to strengthen me and to help me (Isaiah 41:10).

Your “calling”

I have spent so many years listening to other people’s incredible testimonies of God’s calling on their life, and in response tried so desperately to listen or discern or work out where God is calling me to, and what my calling is.

With all the best intentions, I think I completely missed the point. You know that super famous bible verse about not worrying about tomorrow? And what have I been doing?

Don’t get me wrong, if God explicitly tells you to do something it’s worth doing as you’re told (*cough* Jonah), but otherwise I’m going to go out on a limb and say I don’t think God actually cares what our “calling” is half as much as we do. Either that or I’m just salty I haven’t yet heard the audible voice of God bellowing down a clear instruction from heaven.

Immediately before the classic “do not worry about tomorrow” line, this is the instruction:

(source: YouVersion bible app)

Whether I ever get a degree or not, what the Lord desires is that I use my time at university to seek Him, to learn about His character, to spend time in His presence, and to bring His kingdom to whatever environment I find myself in. I have yet to find a bible verse about which degree I should be doing, and actually I don’t think it really matters. And you know, even if God has been yelling clear instructions at me for years and I am just pathetic at listening, I think it’s okay. The bible is full of broken people who ran away and disobeyed God and He was still merciful and loving, He still used every drop of their imperfection, and He still came to earth to die on a cross in their place.

It’s not about where God is calling you to,
it’s about WHO IS CALLING YOU.

The Race is On

Truth is, whilst this is not a race to get the best education, the highest paid job, the biggest house and newest car like I sometimes feel it is, this is still a race.

(source: Pinterest - remnantfellowship.org)

Now I am no athlete and will not claim to be, but I do know that you don’t always know every twist and turn in the route.

You know where the start line is, you hopefully know where the finish line is, hey you might even know a number of the stops along the way, but I doubt you know every inch, every last pothole in the road. Instead, you trust the race marshals, the other runners racing along side you, the faster more experienced runners up ahead, the loved ones at the side of the track cheering you on.

We know where we’re going, we know we have a place in eternity paid for by the blood of Jesus. We don’t need to know every bend along the way to be able to run with diligence and enthusiasm, knowing where the finish line waits.


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